Control the sblim-cim-client package with the following handy commands outlined below. Asked 5 years, 10 months ago. The package must be licensed with a Fedora approved license and meet the Licensing Guidelines. The package MUST successfully compile and build into binary rpms on at least one primary architecture. This command will install sblim-cim-client on the server. Sign up using Email and Password. sblim cim client for java

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Executables should be set with executable permissions, for example. There's a comment about DMTF data types which seem to indicate they are encapsulating the different data-types in Java classes in order to comply with the protocol, but at which cost? Improving sblik question-asking experience. If you feel that you have a good reason to own a file or directory that another package owns, then please present that at package review time.

Package Information

Comment 1 Roman Rakus Packages must NOT contain any. Large can refer to either size or quantity. Permissions on files must be set properly. If it does not create a directory that it uses, then it sblum require a package which does create that directory.

sblim cim client for java

When you run this command with th e -y flag, you will not be prompted to check that you are sure you want to remove the package - so be sure you absolutely want to remove sblim-cim-client when using the -y flag. Email Required, but never shown.

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Header files must be in a -devel package. Packages must NOT bundle copies of system libraries. Comment 6 Roman Rakus The package must be named according to the Package Naming Guidelines.

Sign up using Email and Password. There are other types which would also have equivalent efficient primitive types.

sblim cim client for java

I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today. This site requires JavaScript to be enabled to function correctly, please enable it. I would have to use code like that to map a chunk of character data to a StringBuilder.

Javathere is missing BuildRequires: Comment 2 Vitezslav Crhonek This is really inefficient, as the data is already loaded in-memory by CIM.

All build dependencies must be listed in BuildRequires, except for any that are listed in the exceptions section of the Packaging Guidelines ; inclusion of those as BuildRequires is optional. Description Vitezslav Crhonek If the package is designed to be relocatable, the packager must state this fact in the request for review, along with the rationalization for relocation of that specific package.

Sign up using Facebook. Attachments Terms of Use Add an attachment proposed patch, jav, etc.


This makes sense and I believe is worth using for complex structured data, such as Person, Account, Transaction, etc. To learn more about DMTF visit http: How do we handle problem users? Static libraries must be jaava a -static package. Packages must not own files or directories already owned by other packages. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

To learn more about DMTF visit http:


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